I was thrilled when I first got the job, then got anxious as the deadline got closer and closer and I still had no information (thanks, French government. I must say, I love the French way of life--2-hour lunch, 30-hour work week--EXCEPT for the fact that it also applies to the people who run the country. Still, France is still standing, right? The cogs in the Machine are still turning, right? And I'm still moving there!)
Finally, after waiting for ages to find out when I leave, where I'm going, which schools/age groups I'll be teaching; after waiting for the consulate to issue my visa and return my passport; after endless days of shopping for "professional" clothes, new glasses and contacts, shoes, teaching materials, gift, etc....I'm thrilled again :)
So, here's the final recap:
I'll be working in Nevers, France, in the Nièvre region near Dijon.
It's situated near some cities I've never traveled to, but I'm dying to visit all of them before I come back to the States!

The region is famous for its wines (namely Pouilly Fumé, made from Sauvignon Blanc grapes, which I've never even heard of but am EXCITED to try), its faience ceramics, and, being so close to Dijon, its mustard.
Nevers itself is famous historically for being the Loire depot of Julius Caesar in 52 BCE (then it was called Noviodunum). Even though the Aedui at Noviodunum burned the city after Caesar's failure before Gergovia, Nevers became the seat of a bishopric at the end of the 5th century. Even today, many of the buildings and houses are from as early as the 14th century!

The palais ducal (ducal palace) is one of the main sights to see in Nevers; part of it has been transformed into a ceramics museum.

Though the Nièvre region is rural, with on average 50 people per square kilometer, the population of Nevers is one of the largest in the département at about 41,000...soon to be 41,001 :)
I'm so excited to share all my adventures on here with anyone out there who's reading. If you have any comments (or suggestions for places to visit!), please let me know! My plan is to do, see, taste, and try everything I possibly can in the next seven months...so help me out! Looking forward to hearing from all of you :)