
Abandon your sense of decorum or you'll never get out alive

There was a sliver of moon
And fifty-six stars sewn like diamonds
To the dress shirt of the night sky.
I buried my hands in my pockets
And counted so I wouldn’t have to look at you,
So handsome in the weak light,
Wouldn’t have to breathe the thick air between us
Or watch as our worlds pushed us apart
You said you’d cry watching me walk away
So I backed away instead,
Watching you. Watching me.
The coach pulled away and I smelled you on my skin,
Stood up to blow you a kiss
With your girlfriend right beside you.
It’s a shame, I thought, that you’re with her
And thinking of me,
And I’ll never really know
If the kiss bounced off a window or landed
At your girlfriend’s feet and she, not knowing
The damage, gave it to you anyway.

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