
T-minus 5....4....3....

This is a little something I found from my last trip to Paris. I thought I'd post it (disregard the narration to my sister) partly to get myself psyched about BEING IN PARIS TOMORROW and partly to share with all of you the spectacular electricity of the City of Lights! I don't have a video camera like I did last time, too, so this will be the only video I can dredge up from France. No worries, though, the photo slideshows will be more than enough :)
A couple of nights ago I was a flurry of arms and clothes and power cords because I was actually in the mood to pack--you know that doesn't come around often, so of course you drop what you're doing and indulge it! I was so harried, though, that at one point I actually wondered, "Why am I putting all this stuff in a bag? ..........OH! I'm moving to France!" Talk about a brain fart :P I took that as a sign to go to bed and resume packing in the morning--it takes the fun out of it if you don't remember why you're doing it :) 
Today I got everything squared away--packing, last minute purchases, absentee ballot notifications (just because I'm a temporary expatriate doesn't mean I'm not going to exercise my suffrage!), etc. I'm now perched on the edge of my bed, passport in hand, counting. 
T-minus 20 hours until showtime :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(sigh) oh Paris.

such memories under that bright sky

:-) guess who