
Self-Control vs. Control Top Panty Hose

Again, the title has nothing to do with anything. 

Day 8: Addiction Free Day! They even include a caveat for crack cocaine addicts: "You may not feel purer immediately. Stick at this one for at least a couple months to see the full lifestyle benefits." So far I've gone all day without sugar just to prove how much purer I feel. Also, so far it's only 10:11 a.m. 

Day 9:Do Something Before Breakfast Day. I went for a brisk jaunt around our house. I put my bare foot in a patch of hoarfrost. I tried to lick the morning dew from a young leaf, but it had already dried up. I took a shower. I scared a small family of birds. I finished my book. 

Today has already been productive! This book is changing my life. 

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